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PsyJuridica Oy – Preliminary Information Form
PsyJuridica Ltd - Preliminary Information Form
" indicates required fields
Part 1: Basic information
You may send the form with only the information in part one in which case we will process it as a contact request and check the disability. Alternatively you can send more detailed information about your case. Additional information will speed up the processing of your case and your case will immediately end up with a lawyer whose special expertise your case falls into.
Full Name
Home Address
Name of the opposite party
The counter party's information is important to us already at this point so that we can carry out an obstruction check in accordance with our obligations.
Submitting the form
I am sending the form as a contact request and for the disability check
I would like to send more detailed information about my case
Part 2: Purpose of contact
In this and the following sections we collect more detailed information about the quality of your case and your wishes regarding handling the assignment.
Your wish is
Consultation with a lawyer / initiating the case
Obtaining an assistant for a pending matter
Consultation with a forensic psychologist
What would you like to consult a lawyer about or what kind of case would you like to initiate?
What kind of case is it? Also tell us if there are deadlines or a hearing date set in the matter and in which location the matter will be discussed?
If you wish you can briefly open the quality of your case
More detailed analysis of the matter
If you wish you can specify in more detail what your case concerns. This helps us to choose the right lawyer for you.
Choose one and complete the additional information fields or questions that may open below
Family law matters
Inheritance matters (for example a will or testament)
Criminal matters
Labor law matters
Contract law matters
Housing matters
Something else, what?
Family law matters:
Matters related to divorce or the end of a relationship
Children's matters
Other matters / more of the above
Matters related to divorce or the end of a relationship:
Filing for divorce
Children's matters: is there a valid agreement or district court decision on children's matters?
Criminal cases: Your position in the criminal case
Claimant / victim of a crime
Defendant / Suspect
Other, what?
Victim of a crime
I am considering filing a criminal complaint
The crime is under preliminary investigation
The crime is under prosecution
The crime is in court
I want to file a complaint
Other, what?
The crime is under preliminary investigation
The crime is under prosecution
The crime is in court
I want to file a complaint
Other, what?
Labor law matters: Are you an employee or an employer?
In which court will the case be heard? Answer below if the court is already known.
Briefly describe your case. Think about what wishes you have regarding the matter and what questions you especially want an answer to.
Part 3: Implementation of the assignment
How do you want to organize the negotiations when dealing with the matter? Select one or more points.
Consultation at PsyJuridica's office
Zoom conference
Telephone conference
Some other way, what?
Other, what?
We thank you in advance for your interest!
Thanks for the additional information you provided. Our lawyer will contact you as soon as possible. Before contacting us, you can familiarize yourself with our website and our price list on our page.